Trump camp rips Biden campaign’s immediate attacks on Vance after VP selection: ‘Poor taste’

Trump camp rips Biden campaign’s immediate attacks on Vance after VP selection The Trump campaign is pushing back after President Biden immediately took to social media to blast Trump’s newly chosen candidate for Vice President, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. The Biden campaign posted on social media, along with a fundraising link, “Here’s the deal about J.D. Vance. He talks a big game about working people. But now, he and Trump want to raise taxes on middle-class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich.”

Trump 2024 Deputy Communications Director Caroline Sunshine took issue with that attack in an interview with Fox News Digital on Tuesday. She said that the response was in “poor taste” and showed that President Biden was more interested in attacking Trump than in promoting unity in a time of crisis. Sunshine was referring to the recent assassination attempt on Trump’s life.

Many Democrats were quick to attack Vance, labeling the Ohio Republican as an “extremist.” Biden-Harris HQ, the Democrat’s official 2024 campaign account, posted on social media after the announcement that “Trump has selected far-right MAGA extremist JD Vance as his running mate. Vance is a 2020 election denier, supports a national abortion ban, and voted against IVF access.”

Conservatives on social media, including Trump adviser Stephen Miller, criticized Biden for the way the campaign is going after Vance. “The staffers at Biden HQ are continuing to use wildly inflammatory rhetoric less than 2 days since an assassin nearly killed President Trump,” Miller wrote. “Will no one succeed in getting them to tamp down their rhetoric?”

This comes at a time when President Biden is calling for unity in the face of crisis. In an address to the nation on Sunday, he said, “Let’s remember here in America, our unity is the most elusive of all goals right now,” Biden said. “Nothing is more important for us now than standing together. We can do this.”

The Biden campaign defended their attacks on Vance, saying that they are not at odds with the effort to restore civility to politics and unite the country. Spokesperson TJ Ducklo said on a press call Monday, “President Biden, Vice President Harris have never shied away from laying bare the stakes of this election. And that, in our view, is not at odds with the effort that both are leading to sort of restore civility to our politics, and to unite this country.”

The selection of JD Vance as Trump’s running mate came on the first day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Vance was a surprise choice, with many only finding out about the selection 20 minutes before the official announcement. The convention, which runs from July 15 to 18, saw Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., deliver a speech on the first night, declaring “America is not a racist country.”

The announcement also saw a boost for Trump’s campaign, with news that Elon Musk plans to contribute about $45 million per month to a new Super PAC that is backing Trump’s campaign. The PAC, called America PAC, boasts supporters such as Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale, the Winklevoss twins, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly craft and her husband, Joe Craft, who heads coal producer Alliance Resource Partners.

The PAC, which was founded in June, will focus on registering new voters and encourage early voting and mail-in balloting in swing states. Trump is expected to deliver a speech at the convention, which is likely to include a message to the American people and a reminder that he has challenged Biden to further debates. He is expected to lay out the various crises he attributes to the incumbent, including the border and the economy.

The selection of Vance as Trump’s running mate has seen a mixed reaction, with some seeing it as a predictable choice. Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham said, “In a week filled with giant news surprises, I find myself once again surprised that former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick wasn’t more surprising.”

Sen. Marco Rubio, who was previously floated as one of Trump’s potential VP picks, congratulated Vance on being selected. Meanwhile, the Biden campaign claimed Monday he will “enable” an extreme MAGA agenda” following the announcement.

The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America nonprofit organization called JD Vance a “strong pick” to be Trump’s running mate. “JD Vance is an exceptional selection as President Trump’s running mate,” SBA president Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement Monday afternoon. “His courage in exposing Democrats’ agenda of abortion for any reason, even in the seventh, eighth, or ninth month, helped propel him to a decisive victory in the 2022 midterm elections.”

In conclusion, the selection of JD Vance as Trump’s running mate has seen a swift and fierce reaction from both sides of the aisle. While the Trump campaign sees the attacks on Vance as being in “poor taste,” the Biden campaign is defending their attacks as necessary in highlighting the

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